Tuesday, 17 May 2022

Role of Isolates of Bacillus Species for Biodegradation of Multiple Contaminants

Although there are large numbers of microbial species to degrade pollutants but according to recent researches Bacillus is more prominent among all ba

Jyoti Sarwan*

University Institute of Biotechnology, Chandigarh University, Gharuan, Punjab, India 

Jagadeesh Chandra Bose K

University Institute of Biotechnology, Chandigarh University, Gharuan, Punjab, India 

*Corresponding author: jyoti.r48@cumail.in 


Nature is the precious gift for every organism on the earth but, only few species making benefits of it and rest are suffering from scarcity of natural resources because of over exploitations. Nowadays, numbers of hazardous pollutants persisting in environment that are highly required to vanish for sustain natural resources for longer period. To overcome these pollutants researchers introduced bioremediation with microorganisms. Although there are large numbers of microbial species to degrade pollutants but according to recent researches Bacillus is more prominent among all bacterial species. Researchers have proved with their analysis, Bacillus are more safer and cheaper source for conserving environment and reduce toxics from environment.

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Journal of Sustainability and Environmental Management (JOSEM) is an international, open access, peer reviewed research journal.