Joining as Editorial Member
We are always open to invite researchers to join our Advisory Board. The Advisory Board members should hold a Ph.D. in environment related field.
Joining as Reviewer
Reviewers are selected based on the CV shared with us One need to hold a Masters or a Ph.D. degree to join as a reviewer for this journal.
- All members will receive joining certificate from us.
- Editorial Members can publish their article free of charges.
- Reviewers will be given 30% waiver on the total publication charges for each successful reviews conducted within a year.
- Generally editorial board members and reviewers are not paid worldwide, but we compensate them for their commitment of time and effort with certain percentage of APC. The manuscript submitted via our members (both editorial and reviewer) will receive 20% of the APC paid by author. However the member shouldn't be author or co-author of the submitted article.
Send us an email to join us: or click here to upload the document